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Maximising Your Content Strategy with the Otter Content Matrix

As part of helping improve a business’ performance online, a well-rounded content strategy is essential for engaging your audience and driving conversions. But with so many types of content to choose from, it’s sometimes hard to nail the ‘why’ you should create something?

Enter the Otter content matrix – a powerful tool that helps you map out your content strategy to ensure you’re reaching your audience at every stage of their journey.

Understanding the Customer Journey

A successful content strategy requires understanding the different stages of the customer journey and tailoring content to meet the needs of your audience at each stage:


Content aimed at introducing the brand and its offerings. This stage is about making potential customers aware of your existence and sparking their interest.

Example of Content: Infographics, PR articles, Trend Reports.


Content that helps potential customers evaluate their options. At this stage, your audience is aware of their problem and is actively seeking solutions.

Example of Content: Case Studies, Tech Reviews, Features.


Content that builds a relationship with potential customers, encouraging them to interact with your brand and get more involved.

Example of Content: Webinars, Interactive Tools, Social Media Polls.


Content that aids in making the final purchase decision. This is where you convince the audience that your solution is the best fit for their needs.

Example of Content: Demo Videos, Customer Testimonials.


Content focused on maintaining customer loyalty and engagement post-purchase. Keeping your customers engaged ensures long-term relationships and repeat business.

Example of Content: Newsletters, Product Updates, Loyalty Programs.

Understanding the Otter Content Matrix

So, what exactly is a content matrix? Simply put, it’s a strategic framework that guides you in creating the right content for your audience at the right time. The Otter content matrix is divided into four quadrants based on two key axes: Emotional to Rational and Awareness to Purchase. These quadrants help you identify which types of content will best entertain, inspire, educate, and convince your audience. Additionally, the matrix incorporates four crucial factors that support the overall content strategy: Learn, Trust, Value, and Loyalty.

Completed example of the Otter Content Matrix

Breaking Down the Quadrants

Entertain (Emotional, Awareness)

This quadrant is all about creating content that engages and connects emotionally with your audience. Think competitions, brand videos, viral campaigns, and captivating articles. The goal here is to make your audience feel something – whether it’s joy, excitement, or inspiration.

Example: A viral video that showcases your brand’s personality and values, making viewers smile and share it with their friends.

Inspire (Emotional, Purchase)

Next up, we have content that builds trust and creates a sense of community. Influencer collaborations, community engagement, user-generated content (UGC), and ratings fall into this category. By showcasing real people and real experiences, you’re inspiring your audience to trust your brand.

Example: Partnering with an influencer who shares their positive experience with your product, encouraging their followers to check it out.

Educate (Rational, Awareness)

In the Educate quadrant, the focus is on providing valuable information that helps your audience make informed decisions. Guides, PR articles, trend reports, and infographics are perfect for this. 

This type of content positions your brand as a knowledgeable and trustworthy resource.

Example: An infographic that breaks down the latest industry trends, providing your audience with insights they can use.

Convince (Rational, Purchase)

Finally, we have content designed to convince your audience with detailed, rational information. Tech reviews, features, case studies, and demo videos fit perfectly here. This content provides the proof your audience needs to feel confident in their purchase decision.

Example: A case study that highlights how your product helped a client achieve their goals, complete with data and testimonials.

The Role of Learn, Trust, Value, and Loyalty in Content Strategy

At the centre of the matrix, you’ll find foundational elements like APP, Widgets, and News, which are crucial in fostering learning, trust, value, and loyalty among your audience. These factors support your entire content strategy, ensuring consistent engagement and building strong relationships.

Learn: Quizzes, articles, and guides that educate your audience and provide valuable insights.

Trust: Influencer content, community engagement, and UGC that build credibility and trust in your brand.

Value: PR, trend reports, and tech reviews that highlight the value of your offerings and position your brand as a leader in the industry.

Loyalty: Ratings, social media interactions, and demo videos that keep your audience engaged and loyal to your brand.

Practical Tips for Using the Otter Content Matrix

Now that you understand the content matrix, how can you implement it in your own strategy? Here are some tips:

  1. Balance Emotional and Rational Content: Ensure you have a mix of content that appeals to both the emotional and rational sides of your audience.

  2. Guide the Audience Journey: Use the matrix to map out content that guides your audience from awareness to purchase.

  3. Consistent Engagement: Regularly update your content and stay engaged with your audience to build trust and loyalty.

Broader Understanding of Using the Content Matrix Across Channels

To fully leverage the Otter Content Matrix, consider how your content can be distributed across various channels to maximise reach and engagement:

Social Media

Tailoring content for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Each platform has its own strengths and audience, so customise your content to fit.

Example: Live Videos, Stories, User Polls.

Email Marketing

Creating newsletters, promotional emails, and nurturing sequences. Email marketing allows for personalised communication directly with your audience.

Example: Welcome Series, Segmented Campaigns.

Search Engines

SEO-focused content, paid search ads, and local SEO tactics. Optimising your content for user intent ensures that your audience can find you when they’re looking for solutions or need a question answered. What info does your customer search for when looking to make a purchase decision?

Example: SEO Articles, Paid Search Ads.

Paid Media

Display ads, PPC campaigns, and sponsored content. Paid media helps amplify your reach and target specific audience segments. What content will help convince your audience to click that call to action and make a purchase?

Example: Banner Ads, Sponsored Articles.

A diverse content strategy is key to connecting with your audience and driving conversions. By using the Otter content matrix, you can ensure you’re creating the right content at the right time. Take a look at your current content strategy and see how you can incorporate these insights to maximise your impact.

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